Austin's unique "BE"

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

ATXequation - plans for 2010

The Austin Equation initiative is in full swing for 2010 - we've been streamlining our plans, writing, reflecting and organizing for the year ahead. Here are some highlights:

Articulation and Evangelism

Bijoy's talk at Ignite Austin went well and we should have the video up shortly; this will serve as a good 5-minute introduction to ATXEquation. Watch this space for it!

Bijoy and Heather are spending the first 6 months of the year articulating the equation in a longer document, summing up what has been learned. We'll be sharing our progress (and soliciting feedback) as we go along. This blog will be used as process documentation as we go along.

Birth of the "Scene Lab"

The group formerly known as "Scene Mappers" is expanding its charter to Scene Stewardship, not just mapping. Anyone interested in stewarding a particular scene (mapping, convening, evangelizing, etc.) is welcome. As such, we've changed the name to "ATX Scene Lab." The "lab" also reflects that this will be a place - both online and in meetings - for self-directed volunteers who are interested in stewarding scenes to share their progress and practices. It will not be a forum for discussion of the details or theory behind the ATXequation model. Instead, in the Lab we'll roll up our sleeves and discuss tangible examples of scene-building on the ground. Scene stewards will be responsible for progress (or lack thereof!) of their scenes.

Robert Matney will be facilitating the Scene Lab meetings and online discussion on this Google Group for 2010. The next meeting is February 25 @ 5pm at the Leadership Austin offices - 1609 Shoal Creek, Suite 202. Mark your calendars! Lab meetings will occur on a quarterly basis. Please send Robert your queries, ideas & feedback at rmatney AT gmail.

Update - The Entrepreneurship Scene

In 2010, Bijoy is stewarding the Entrepreneurship Scene. We have regular meetings scheduled for the leaders in the scene. Heather and Bijoy shared ATXequation with this group at the January meeting. Bootstrap Austin is spending all of February on ATXequation and educating its members about the Entrepreneurship Scene. Every day a tweet goes out from @bootstrapaustin (starting yesterday) and the February 8 Bootstrap Austin Meeting is dedicated to ATXEQ and the Entrepreneurship Scene Map. Please feel free to attend this meeting and/or follow @bootstrapaustin to see how we are doing this. March is our "scene- level" experience - - and this will be great way to bring the entire entrepreneurship Scene together and put it on display for the Austin community and beyond.

We're looking forward to continuing to make progress on ATXequation in 2010! Many thanks to all the contributors, collaborators and interested parties who continue to show interest in this work. If you have particular feedback on any of the above and/or thoughts about your specific involvement with the initiative, please get in touch directly with Heather, Rob or Bijoy.